The Secrets of ClickHouse Performance Optimizations

The Secrets of ClickHouse Performance Optimizations

or: How To Write Efficient Code

Trivial facts

and ground truths.

Design Principles

or "bottom-up" design?

Design Principles


— choose a high-level architecture;

— choose what classes will be in the codebase;

— draw some diagrams;

Design Principles


— how the inner loop in my code will work?

— what is the data layout in memory?

— what bytes are read/written and where?

How ClickHouse was Designed

ClickHouse was developed from a prototype,
implemented in year 2008
that was intended to solve just a single task:
— to filter and aggregate data as fast as possible.

— in other words, just to do GROUP BY.

How ClickHouse was Designed

Design From Hardware Capabilities

1. What are the basic numbers (throughput, latency, volume...)
 of our hardware (CPU, RAM, SSD, HDD, network...)
 on what operations?

2. What are the data structures we use?
 and how the work with our hardware?

3. and do some basic math...

Design From Hardware Capabilities


— we will do GROUP BY in memory;

— will put all data in a hash table;

— if the hash table is large, it will not fit in L3 cache of CPU;

— if the values of GROUP BY keys are not distributed locally,
  then we have L3 cache miss for every row in a table;

— L3 cache miss has 70..100 ns latency;

How many keys per second we can process?

Design From Hardware Capabilities


SELECT rand() % 10000000 AS k FROM system.numbers_mt GROUP BY k

175.52 million rows/s.

Design From Hardware Capabilities

L3 cache miss has throughput of 40 million ops/sec. on a single CPU core

and ~ 500 million. ops/sec*. on 32 hyper-threading CPU cores
(Xeon E5-2650v2).

Never mess up latency and throughput!

* but we have just 175 million rows per second. Is ClickHouse slow?

Algorithms First, Abstractions Go After

If you need maximum performance
then interfaces in the code are determined by algorithms!

Algorithms First, Abstractions Go After

Example: substring search:

— in C: strstr, memmem;

— in C++: std::search, std::string::find.

But these functions are slow! (in some usage scenario).

Algorithms First, Abstractions Go After

Substring Search:

void * memmem(const void * haystack, size_t haystacklen, const void * needle, size_t needlelen);

— there is no separate initialization routine;
— required to be reentrable — cannot allocate memory.

But what if we search a single needle in 1 000 000 different haystacks?

Searcher searcher(needle); for (const auto & haystack : haystacks);

Algorithms First, Abstractions Go After

Substring Search:

void * memmem(const void * haystack, size_t haystacklen, const void * needle, size_t needlelen);

If we search a single needle in 1 000 000 different haystacks,
then neither of strstr, memmem, std::search, std::string::find
will work fast, because their interface is not suitable.

And without changing the interface you cannot make them fast.

You Can Always Do Better!

If you know your task better.

— substring search;
(but some smart guys have already implemented std::search)

— array sorting;
(but some smart guys have already implemented std::sort)

— hash table;
(but some smart guys have already implemented std::unordered_map)

Every Problem is a Landscape

Substring Search:

— exact or approximate search?
— one or multiple substrings?
— the set of substrings is explicit or specified by a language?
— substrings are rather short or long?
— substring is a sequence of
bytes / unicode code points / characters with custom collation / words?
— a search in predefined text or the text is not known in advance?
— is located in memory completely or available as a stream of data?
— with strong guarantees on time or not?

Brute Force algorithm Deterministic Finite Automaton algorithm Karp-Rabin algorithm Shift Or algorithm Morris-Pratt algorithm Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm Simon algorithm Colussi algorithm Galil-Giancarlo algorithm Apostolico-Crochemore algorithm Not So Naive algorithm Boyer-Moore algorithm Turbo BM algorithm Apostolico-Giancarlo algorithm Reverse Colussi algorithm Horspool algorithm Quick Search algorithm Tuned Boyer-Moore algorithm Zhu-Takaoka algorithm Berry-Ravindran algorithm Smith algorithm Raita algorithm Reverse Factor algorithm Turbo Reverse Factor algorithm Forward Dawg Matching algorithm Backward Nondeterministic Dawg Matching algorithm Backward Oracle Matching algorithm Galil-Seiferas algorithm Two Way algorithm String Matching on Ordered Alphabets algorithm Optimal Mismatch algorithm Maximal Shift algorithm Skip Search algorithm KMP Skip Search algorithm Alpha Skip Search algorithm

But none of these algorithms are used in ClickHouse!

Every Problem is a Landscape

What ClickHouse is using:

Volnitsky algorithm when needle is constant;
— SIMD optimized brute-force for non-constant needle;
— variation of Volnitsky algorithm for a set of constant needles;
— re2 and hyperscan for regular expressions. (russian)

Every Problem is a Landscape


— array of numbers / tuples / strings / structures?

— available completely in RAM?

— with comparisons / 3-way comparisons /
  parallel comparisons / by radix?

— direct / indirect (not sort, obtain a permutation)?

— stable / non-stable?

— full / partial / n-th element?

— finish sorting / merging / incomplete sorting?

Every Problem is a Landscape

ClickHouse is using pdqsort and radix sort,
... but it's not perfect, must rewrite.

Every Problem is a Landscape

Hash Table (my favorite)

— the choice of hash function;
— memory layout: open-addressing vs. chaining;
— small or big values;
— support for non-moveable values;
— memory layout: one array for keys and values or separate arrays;
— collision resolution algorithm;
— algorithm for values removal;
— fill factor; when and how to resize;
— how to move values around on resize;
— fast probing with bitmaps;
— inline placement of string keys;
— prefetch and batching;

Hash Table

We use the best* hash table in ClickHouse.

* the best for our needs.
* not a single but multiple different hash tables.
* and we constantly trying to do better:
— Add StringHashMap to optimize string aggregation by Amos Bird.

You Can Always Do Better!

If you know your task better.

— substring search;

— array sorting;

— hash table;


— allocating memory (malloc);

— copying bytes around (memcpy);

You Can Always Do Better!

In ClickHouse we use:

— chinese memcpy:

— a special memcpy to gather short pieces of memory:

You Can Always Do Better!

or grab the best!

If someone on the internet said that "my algorithm is the best"
— use that algorithm in ClickHouse.

... and probably throw away if it isn't the best.

Example: simdjson — adopted, still using.

Example: mimalloc — tried, throwed away.

Specialization For the Tasks

Trivial example:

WHERE str LIKE '%hello%world!%'

— regular expression (re2)
but substring search for "world!" before;

WHERE str LIKE '%hello%'

— substring search;

WHERE str LIKE 'hello%'

— prefix comparison.

But even MySQL has similar optimization.

Specialization For the Tasks

Specialization For the Data Types (example: GROUP BY):

using AggregatedDataWithoutKey = AggregateDataPtr; ...UInt8Key = FixedHashMap<UInt8, AggregateDataPtr>; ...UInt16Key = FixedHashMap<UInt16, AggregateDataPtr>; ...UInt64Key = HashMap<UInt64, AggregateDataPtr, HashCRC32<UInt64>>; ...StringKey = HashMapWithSavedHash<StringRef, AggregateDataPtr>; ...Keys128 = HashMap<UInt128, AggregateDataPtr, UInt128HashCRC32>; ...Keys256 = HashMap<UInt256, AggregateDataPtr, UInt256HashCRC32>; ...UInt64KeyTwoLevel = TwoLevelHashMap<UInt64, AggregateDataPtr, HashCRC32<UInt64>>; ...StringKeyTwoLevel = TwoLevelHashMapWithSavedHash<StringRef, AggregateDataPtr>; ...Keys128TwoLevel = TwoLevelHashMap<UInt128, AggregateDataPtr, UInt128HashCRC32>; ...Keys256TwoLevel = TwoLevelHashMap<UInt256, AggregateDataPtr, UInt256HashCRC32>; ...UInt64KeyHash64 = HashMap<UInt64, AggregateDataPtr, DefaultHash<UInt64>>; ...StringKeyHash64 = HashMapWithSavedHash<StringRef, AggregateDataPtr, StringRefHash64>; ...Keys128Hash64 = HashMap<UInt128, AggregateDataPtr, UInt128Hash>; ...Keys256Hash64 = HashMap<UInt256, AggregateDataPtr, UInt256Hash>;


Specialization For the Tasks

Specialization for different amounts of data.

Example: quantileTiming function:
— less than 64 values — flat array in memory arena;
— less than 5670 values — flat array in heap memory;
— more — a histogram with custom buckets.

Example: uniqCombined function:
— flat array;
— hash table;
— HyperLogLog.

Data Structures
are Always in Context of the Task

How to choose the data structure?

— find out what it implements, needed and unneeded.

Trivial example: std::string:

— implements memory management by itself.

— allow to modify a string,
  e.g. append one more character.

— tracks string size by its own.

Data Structures
are Always in Context of the Task

Trivial example: how to implement GROUP BY?

Option 1:
— sort the array by keys;
— then iterate through it,
  and calculate aggregate functions for consecutive identical keys.

Option 2:
— put all keys into a hash table;
— when the key is found again,
  update the states of aggregate functions.

Answer: option 2 is better; but if the data is almost sorted then better to finish sorting and apply option 1; but if the data doesn't fit in memory, partition it by buckets and then option 2.

Algorithms Know About Data Distribution

#ifdef __SSE2__ /** A slightly more optimized version. * Based on the assumption that often sequences of consecutive values * completely pass or do not pass the filter. * Therefore, we will optimistically check the sequences of SIMD_BYTES values. */ static constexpr size_t SIMD_BYTES = 16; const __m128i zero16 = _mm_setzero_si128(); const UInt8 * filt_end_sse = filt_pos + size / SIMD_BYTES * SIMD_BYTES; while (filt_pos < filt_end_sse) { int mask = _mm_movemask_epi8( _mm_cmpgt_epi8( _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast(filt_pos)), zero16)); if (0 == mask) { /// Nothing is inserted. } else if (0xFFFF == mask) { res_data.insert(data_pos, data_pos + SIMD_BYTES); } else

Algorithms Know About Data Distribution

static inline int digits10(uint128_t x) { if (x < 10ULL) return 1; if (x < 100ULL) return 2; if (x < 1000ULL) return 3; if (x < 1000000000000ULL) { if (x < 100000000ULL) { if (x < 1000000ULL) { if (x < 10000ULL) return 4; else return 5 + (x >= 100000ULL); } return 7 + (x >= 10000000ULL); } if (x < 10000000000ULL) return 9 + (x >= 1000000000ULL); return 11 + (x >= 100000000000ULL); } return 12 + digits10(x / 1000000000000ULL); }

Algorithms Learn On Data Dynamically


Multi-Armed Bandits

— select from different options randomly;

— calculate statistics for each option;

— consider the time (exec speed) for each option as a random variable;

— estimate the distribution of time for each variant;

Thompson Sampling

— sample from random variable for each option;

— choose the option for which the sampled value is better.

This method is used to optimize LZ4 decompression in ClickHouse.

Testing on Real Data


Suppose we need to do a benchmark...
not a column-oriented DBMS, but something simple:
for example, hash tables.

But the speed of hash table depends on a balance between
quality and the speed of a hash function.

Always Test on Real Datasets

um, it's just a trivial test ...
clickhouse hashmap takes 10GB
this only takes 2
and it's 60% faster
Alexey Milovidov
This test almost doesn't make sense...
Let me share a dataset with real strings...
[ File : data.tar ]
clickhouse hashmap is faster
from 2 times to 5 times

Datasets Obfuscation

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With clickhouse-obfuscator tool.

More principles...

Developers should have access to production servers.

Instrumentation, monitoring, diagnostics.

Fast release life cycle and deployment.


To write fast code you just need to:

— keep in mind low-level details when designing your system;
— design based on hardware capabilities;
— choose data structures and abstractions based on the needs of the task;
— provide specializations for special cases;
— try the new, "best" algorithms, that you read about yesterday;
— choose algorithm in runtime based on statistics;
— benchmark on real datasets;
— test for performance regressions in CI;
— measure and observe everything;
— even in production environment;
— and rewrite code all the time;


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